Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God, Microwaves, and Turkeys

I didn't actually write this, my friend Laura did....but I found it hugely applicable to my life and very helpful, so I'm posting it on here anyway:

Last night, our preacher made the comment that God is not a microwave
- you can't just turn Him on and expect something to happen in 30
seconds.  Sometimes you just have to wait.

That really caught my attention and I started thinking how true that
is.  Yes, sometimes a microwave is a really convenient thing to have.
But there are also times when it's nice to be able to sit down to a
really great oven-cooked meal, like turkey on Thanksgiving.  My family
doesn't do the whole turkey thing but from what I understand, it takes
hours to properly bake a turkey.  And that's how it can be with God.

We are very prone to expect a 30-second quick fix to all our problems
- that is, when we finally decide to get around to praying.  But don't
try to demand that kind of cheap meal when God is in the process of
preparing you a great feast that, though it can take much longer, will
taste so much better.

God has many occupations.  We've heard Him called a shepherd, the
great physician, the author of our faith, and other titles.  We'll I'd
like to add master chef to that list.  And people, master chefs make
more spectacular meals with ovens than they do with microwaves.

So, step out of the kitchen for a little bit and give God some room to
work at the oven.  He'll call you to the table when He's ready.  In
the meantime, while that turkey is busy cooking, jsut take time to sit
back and enjoy the aromas of that impending meal and to enjoy the
blessings that you've already got.

Bon Appetit!

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